Camp Commitments

Following are descriptions of the various commitments you can get at Camp.


  • Inventory the raffle tickets; you win want lots of different color raffle tickets
  • ~2-3 rolls of each color raffle ticket
  • Pick a theme if you like (cowboys, fairies, etc)
  • Get at least 2 people to help you tear tickets Saturday night! Otherwise, your little fingers will be sore
  • Raffle tickets are sold 1 ticket per dollar
  • Start selling tickets ASAP on Friday
  • The raffle is held after the Big Meeting on Saturday Night
  • You and your helper(s) will can out the raffle numbers from the podium
  • Keep the raffle moving. As soon as the announcer sees there is a winner, call out the next number (the natives get restless!)
  • Have 1-2 people up there verifying the tickets
  • Keep track of the raffle money & turn the money over to the treasurer Friday night for safe keeping.
  • Empty the raffle drum & pack up the raffle supply bag Saturday night or Sunday morning (less time Sunday morning, though) for the incoming person
  • You count the money after the Saturday night meeting starts to determine the 50-50.
  • Inventory raffle supplies and give to next raffle chair.
  • Put the raffle drum and raffle supplies in the camp storage unit.


  • Get an Al-Anon (CAL) book for the members to sign for the newcomers. “How Al-Anon Works” is recommended.
  • Get leaders for the two Al-Anon meetings held Saturday (10am and 4pm).
  • Get the meeting format and readings binder from the Easy Does It Weekend committee.
  • Have the Al-Anon book passed around and signed at both meetings for the newest member of Al-Anon.
  • Set up the room with chairs for your meetings. Get signs for the doors that a meeting is in progress. Put closed sign up in the window for the Camp Store.
  • Put chairs away after the meeting is closed so that the Camp Store can open again.
  • Give the signed Al-Anon book to the Camp Chairman after the final meeting for the Sunday morning closing Spiritual meeting (for the newest member of Al-Anon).


  • Budget: $100.00
  • Arts & crafts are done on Saturday afternoon
  • set up after lunch — clean up before dinner Saturday night so the Lodge is ready for the Big Meeting & raffle
  • You can organize whatever arts & crafts you like
  • You are responsible for set-up & clean-up


  • Budget: $600.00
  • Get a DJ and ask him/her to commit to our camp dates
  • Must have speakers and microphones for meetings
  • Follow up before camp date to verify commitment.
  • DJ gets a cabin for two and meals for the camp.


*You are responsible for Decorating the Main &  Dining Halls

  • $100.00 budget
  • Decorations is primarily the Dining Hall, but you can decorate the Big Hall if you like!
  • Clean up the decorations in the dining hall right after dinner on Saturday
  • Make sure all your decorations are cleaned up in the lodge Sunday morning before the spiritual meeting
  • Sometimes the raffle & decoration committees keep to the same theme, but this isn’t necessary or required

For the Dining Hall:

  • 16 tables
  • Pick a theme
  • Get volunteers to commit to help you (2 or 3 at least)
  • **Inventory the box-use what you like**


  • Find an AA speaker & AI-anon speaker for Saturday night meeting
  • Each speaker will speak for ~ 30-40 minutes
  • Speakers may be a couple
  • Speaker chair opens the Saturday night meeting with a 10 minute lead
  • The main speakers do not pay for Camp


*there is a 30% mark-up from cost

  • You will man (no sexism intended) the Store during it’s normal operating hours of 8am-4pm
  • Put out a sign-up sheet early on Friday afternoon & ask people to sign-up for 1 or 2 hour shifts. There are regulars who enjoy watching the store & will likely offer to help you or just show up: let them.
  • Open the store as early as possible on Friday
  • Camp Fashions (Camp Fashions will bring the stuff for the store) & snacks are sold in the store
  • Fold the fashions as needed & keep the store tidy.
  • Get the cash box from the treasurer; find out if you keep it the whole weekend or if the treasurer wants it back. Empty it out every once in a while, write down the amount you have, and give the cash to the treasurer.


  • Budget: $2,000.00
  • Mark-up: 40% (less for high-priced items like hoodies, but usually a bit more for T-shirts); put together a price sheet for the Camp Store people before each camp. Make sure to include printing costs before you figure out the markup, and strike a balance between affordability and making money for the camp (most of the time — this rarely happens at too many camps in a row, but we like to maximize it).
  • Try to inventory the remaining camp fashions before they are put in the camp storage unit on Sunday. The storekeeper packs them up on Sunday morning, but if you help pack, your inventory is right in front of you. Otherwise, arrange to get an inventory after camp from the Camp Store Chair.
  • Camp apparel generally consists of T-shirts (long and short sleeve) and hoodies, and either sweatpants (spring camp) or shorts (fall camp). Those are the staples — then there are tank tops for men and women, yoga pants, and items such as hats, fanny packs, and the like. You might check with the committee members to determine what “extras” there might be; the ultimate decision is with you though, if you stay within your standard budget. (A group conscience will be needed from the committee chairs if extra funds are needed to “special purchase” items that would be sold over two or more camps. Non-apparel souvenirs are sometimes jointly discussed between the Promotions Chair and the Fashion Chair, but either can request extra monies for special one-time purchases.)
  • We own the artwork (get the artwork from the previous Fashions chair, or the Promotions Chair), and you can order from whatever vendor you choose. We have, however, used certain vendors with some success in the past; check with prior Camp Fashion Chairs.
  • You’ll need to get a check from the Treasurer/Registrar before the vendor needs it, and of course you’ll need to order everything in time to get printing completed well before camp.


  • Greet people & cars at the Camp/Highway entrance (off the highway, that is)
  • Greet people at the Main Lodge/Registration desk
  • Check with Decorations to see if you can use some of their balloons if needed



  • Budget: $85.00
  • Markers
  • Stickers (a large variety–this is a creative opportunity for somel)
  • Nametag insert
  • Vinyl holder with lanyard

Friday Afternoon

  • Set up name tags & supplies in Main Lodge
  • Clean up in the evening prior to the Big Meeting

Saturday Morning

  • Set up name tags {again!} for the late arrivals, & keep available somewhere in the Main Lodge (check with Committee Chair)
  • Clean up late Saturday afternoon
  • Write out an inventory for the next Camp Chair
  • Store in the camp storage unit


  • Budget: $250.00
  • Make a new Camp album for current Camp
  • Take candid Camp photos
  • Group photo is Saturday: 9:30 or 10:00 am
  • Store camp albums in camp storage unit
  • Send photos electronically to Camp Historian


**you should have or have access to a computer

  • Design flyers for new Camp
    • Who to contact for registration (Camp Chair & Registrar)
    • Where to mail payments
    • Dates of Camp
    • Include website on flyer:
  • Print out (2-sided) flyers for the 1st Committee meeting for mail out
  • Print extras for distribution at meetings
  • Send flyer to Inland Empire Central Office to be published in their newsletter
  • Send flyers to any other Southern Ca Central Office that is willing to publicize Camp
  • Make sure the Webmaster has a PDF file of the flyer
  • Print Camp Schedule of events for

RECREATION: Guardian & Concierge of The Balls

  • Budget: $50.00
  • The newly elected chair puts the balls (basketballs & volleyballs) in the camp storage unit.
  • Your choice of recreation: board games, chess, backgammon, Pictionary, etc.
  • Traditionally, Bingo has been held Saturday afternoon in the Main Lodge (you may run it or pick someone else to run it)
  • You are responsible for set up & clean up of all games, recreation, etc.


  • Find out prior to Camp about a fire -> contact the Camp Manager
    • ***Ezekiel*** – (Camp Manager):
  • Firewood budget: $525.00
  • Firewood contact: West Coast Timber

Before Camp

  • Confirm price of firewood prior to delivery
  • let treasurer know the $ amount of firewood before Camp, so a check can be ready at delivery

Upon Arrival at Camp

  • Meet with Camp Manager upon arrival
  • Set up tables & chairs in Lodge

Last Day of Camp (Sunday)

  • Take down table & chairs & sweep lodge on Sunday
  • Inspect the cabins & facilities for damages on Sunday, then accompany Camp Manager for inspection
  • Articles left in cabins or dirty cabins are announced at the closing meeting via loudspeaker, and left articles are brought to meeting for pick-up
  • Ask for volunteers at close of meeting Sunday to finish inspecting camp grounds for any possessions left behind as well as any Easy Does It Weekend possessions.
  • As part of this commitment you are the last to leave camp with the Chairperson.

**If something needs fixing at Camp (other than people), find the Camp Manager, who will attempt to have it fixed


  • Budget: $25.00
  • Obtain 100 balloons for birthday celebration
  • Blow up balloons (not with helium) to place on the Camp Seely sign out by the highway
  • You can also put some up by the door near Registration
  • You are responsible for taking them down

For the Birthday Celebration

  • Make sure you have roughly 100 birthday candles and 100 (not fancy) balloons (for birthday celebration on Saturday night)
  • Give the candles to, chef Charlie in the kitchen before Saturday night
  • Saturday afternoon you & your team will blow up approx. 100 balloons and put them in trash bags next to the stage;
  • You will hand these out to “non” birthday people at the Saturday meeting
  • You can start decorating after lunch on Saturday, but double-check with Charlie (chef) for specific time since she needs set-up time as well.


  • Budget: $50.00 – Starter kit
  • Obtain the coffee pots & clean them by running a vinegar & water solution through them; this will also allow you to make sure they work. Contact the Camp Chair for approval to replace any broken pots.
  • Traditionally, you choose 4 people (newcomers} as your “crew”, who will receive scholarships for Camp in return for being on the coffee crew. Keep in touch with these people & make sure they are committed & reliable- you will need their help with coffee.
  • You may devise any shift schedule you like, but 2-3 hour shifts have successfully been used in the past; example below:
    • 5:30 am to 8:30 am
    • 8:30 am to 11:30 am
    • 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
    • 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
    • 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
    • 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm (this person prepares the morning coffee)
  • Coffee crew should arrive at Camp around 10:00 AM to start setting up.
  • Meet with the Camp Chef to be shown where supplies are.
  • You will need two extension cords.
  • Bring an alarm clock – Sat & Sun coffee starts @ 5:30 am
  • Bring a Coffee Starter Kit to camp with you.

-Brewing must be staggered to avoid blowing out the Circuits-

  • Once the brewing is complete, it is okay to keep all pots on warming.
  • There are two constant coffee stations:
  • #1 Coffee station is off the large meeting hall where the phone booth is
  • #2 Coffee station is in the Store
  • Another coffee station outside the dining hall during meal times. This will have coffee only with condiments: start preparing this 1 hour before dinner

#1 Station: (off the meeting hall)

    • 2 Regular Coffee pots
    • 1 Decaf
    • 1 water
    • Creamer, Equal, sugar, stirrers

#2 Station (the Store)

    • 1 Regular Coffee
    • 1 Decaf
    • 1 hot water
    • Creamer, Equal, sugar, stirrers, etc.


  • Get to camp – 10:00am
  • Start brewing 1 of the pots
  • Spread the coffee pots around, otherwise we blow a circuit!
  • Use the water from the hose outside the phone room-it’s fresh, from the mountains!!
  • Pots are heavy when they are full of coffee, water, etc—ask for help if you need it

(Suggested brewing schedule)

  • ***Station #1*** (Piano/phone booth room off main meeting hall)
    • 1 regular pot in the phone room
    • 1 regular pot in the meeting hall {there are outlets along the wall, under the windows}
    • once these pots have brewed, move them back into the phone room.
    • Then start brewing a decaf in the phone room.
  • ***Station #2*** (The Store)
    • 1 regular coffee
    • 1 decaf
    • I hot water
  • Remember. you can only brew one pot at a time at each station, but they can all be on for warming
  • Consolidate coffee pots. e.g., if you have two half filled pots, consolidate to one, and start a fresh pot.
  • Before the night time meetings there is a rush for coffee; start getting ready around 4:30 for the rush!
  • The last coffee crew person at night (around 10:00 pm) should consolidate pots & get the morning coffee ready, so the am person {4:30} just has to plug them in.
  • As coffee chair, you are responsible to make sure there is always coffee & supplies
    • USE YOUR CREW!! and DELEGATE! <-
  • Each coffee shift person is responsible for coffee & supplies
  • On Sunday after the closing meeting, find the new coffee chair for next Camp. This is the person who will be taking the pots home. Have them & your crew help you clean-up, this way, the in-coming coffee chair will have some idea of where things are, etc.
  • This is a wonderful, and very important commitment-great way to meet people and be of service! Remember to ask for help & direction!!


  • Budget: $275.00
  • Purchase supplies for Camp, and bring them up & distribute Supplies are kept in The Store
  • Toilet paper is provided – you do not need to provide T.P.
  • Hand soap is provided – you do not need to provide hand soap.

For “The Store”

  • 4 cases of water
  • 3 cases diet soda: Name Brand!! (Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up. etc)
  • 3 regular soda: Name Brand
  • Snacks: Candy, chips, cookies
  • Large container of loose “red vines” for registration desk.

For the Bathrooms

  • 36 rolls of paper towels
  • 6 Paper towel holders (wire hangers!, believe it or not)


Update website:

  • Camp dates
  • Camp photos
  • Upload the flyer in PDF format so it can be printed out
  • Chat it up in the Facebook Group
  • Send email blasts for registration


  • Coordinate the storage of camp supplies in our rented storage unit near camp after camp is over.
  • Coordinate the unloading of items in the storage unit at beginning of camp.
  • If storage rental bill becomes due during your term, ensure that executive committed pays the rent.


  • The intermediary between the Camp’s cooking staff and the Camp’s planning committee.
  • Budget: $50
  • Provide Smores supplies for Friday Night’s bonfire.
  • Coordinate getting the forks to and from the campfire from storage supplies (in addition to supplies) and cleanup after smores event.

First Aid Attendant

  • The intermediary between the Camp’s cooking staff and the Camp’s planning committee.
  • Budget: $50


  • Current (at the time Camp occurs) CPR and First Aid card and a copy submitted to the Liaison for LA County.
  • Ability to arrive at Camp by 1200 noon on Friday.
  • Store at least two (2) containers of med supplies at your home between Camps and bring to Camp on Friday.
  • Medical personnel as back up or must stay at Camp entire time (only leaving if you have a back up to stay in Infirmary).


  • Attend all three (3) Committee Meetings, if possible, held usually three (3) months prior to next Camp; dates to be determined by Camp Chair.
  • Inventory all supplies for date of expiration, open packages, etc. and replace as needed prior to the Friday of Camp (update quantity on-hand).
  • Upon arrival at Camp, put ice packs in freezer (may want to freeze them night before at home prior to Camp).
  • On Friday
    • on arrival set up all supplies
    • keep meds together for easy access
  • At the Opening Meeting on Friday, introduce yourself as Camp Nurse and ask if anyone has any health issues concerning over the weekend. (e.g. who is diabetic, has a particular allergy to bee stings, etc.).
  • Document on Treatment record located in 3-ring binder as noted on form for each encounter with campers who need meds, dressings, etc.
  • Update inventory as you use supplies.
  • Diabetic campers keep insulin in the refrigerator located in the Infirmary, this is their responsibility, nothing is required of Camp Nurse. Due to med storage, there should be NO food in that refrigerator.
  • On Sunday
    • Pack up all supplies and put in bins/containers
    • Make sure to get ice packs as a last action (due to possible need for swelling, etc.)
    • Sweep and mop the Infirmary as do all campers (although there is leeway for time due to possible need of med supplies, there is always need for Tylenol, etc.).
  • Make sure to orient the new person and leave your phone # for in between Camps should questions arise.
  • Have a great time, folks are considerate and you’ll have fun!